Lord Sai Baba is a Hindu spiritual leader who was born on January 6, 1926 in Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India. He is considered to be an avatar of Vishnu. His devotees call him “Sai” meaning “the only God” and “Baba” meaning “daddy”. Lord Sai Baba is the founder of Shirdi Sai Baba Temple in Shirdi, Maharashtra, India.
Shirdi Sai Baba was a spiritual leader from India who is regarded by his followers as a saint, a fakir, and a satguru. He is revered by both his Hindu and Muslim devotees during, as well as after his lifetime. Sai Baba’s real name was unknown but he was nicknamed ‘Sai’ by Mahalsapati, a temple priest.
Sai Baba Pictures HD Images
If you are looking for Lord Sai Baba images, pictures, photos, or wallpapers, you can find a wide selection of high-quality images, pictures, photos, or wallpapers for free downloads. You can save these images to your computer or mobile & share them with family & friends.
Shirdi Sai Baba Photos HD
Whether you are a devotee of Sai Baba or just love him, you would surely like to have Sai Baba Images and Wallpapers. Sai Baba is a saint, a social worker, a spiritual guru, and a satguru. He is also considered to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva.
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HD Photos Sai Baba
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