lord radha & krishna
lord radha & krishna

मुझे चरणों से लगाले – भजन | Mujhe Charno Se Lagale lyrics

"Mujhe charno se lagale mere Shyam Murli wale" is a heartfelt Bhajan that invokes a deep sense of devotion and surrender to Lord Krishna. This soul-stirring composition beautifully expresses the…

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lord radha krishna
lord radha krishna

दूर नगरी बड़ी दूर नगरी: Door Nagari Badi Door Nagri Lyrics

"Door Nagari Badi Door Nagri bhajan" is a devotional song that stirs the depths of one's soul. This enchanting bhajan, with its captivating lyrics, takes us on a spiritual journey…

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ganesh saraswati laxmi
ganesh saraswati laxmi

HD Ganesh Laxmi Saraswati Images for Prosperity and Knowledge

Ganesha, Lakshmi and Saraswati are highly revered deities in Hindu mythology, representing auspiciousness, wealth and wisdom respectively. Devotees seek their blessings and display their images around their homes or temples…

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